Allaahu akbar
Allah is the greatest!
Subhaana Kal-lah hum-ma wabi hamdika
watha-baara kasmuka watha'aala jad-duka walaa ilaaha ghayruk.
Glory be to you, O Allah, and all praises are
due unto you, and blessed is your name and high is your majesty and none is
worthy of worship but you.
A'udhu bil-laahi minash
I seek Allah's protection from Satan who is
Bismillaah hir-Rahmaa nir-Raheem
In the name of Allah, the most Kind and the
most Merciful.
Alhamdul lil-laahi rab-bil 'aalameen
Ar rahmaa nir-raheem
Maaliki yawmid-deen
Iyyaa-ka na'budu wa iyyaa-ka nasta'een
Ihdinas siraatal mustaqeem
Siraatal Ladheena an'amta 'alayhim
Ghay-ril maghdubi 'alayhim
Walad daal-leen. Ameen
Praise is only for Allah, Lord of the Universe.
The most Kind, the most Merciful.
The master of the Day of Judgement.
You alone we worship and to you alone we pray
for help.
Show us the straight way,
The way of those whom you have blessed.
Who have not deserved your anger,
Nor gone astray.
We can pray any Surah after reciting Surah Faatiha above, as long as it is a
minimum of 3 verses or one long verse. The following is a short and popular
Surah situated towards the end of the Qur'an called Surah Al Ikhlas:
Qul huwal laahu ahad.
Allaah hus-Samad.
Lam yalid walam yoolad.
Walam yakul-lahu Kufuwan ahad.
Say: He is Allah, the only one.
Allah helps and does not need help.
He does not produce a child, and He was not
born of anyone.
There is no one equal to Him.
Subhaana Rabbi'al Azeem
"Glory to my Lord the Exalted".
Sami Allaahu Liman Hamidah
“Allah listens to him who praises Him"
Rabbanaa lakal Hamd
"Oh our Lord, all praise is to you".
Subhaana Rabbi yal A'alaa
"Oh Allah glory be to you, the most
AthahiyyaatuLillahi Was Salawaatu Wattayyibatu
Assalamu Alaika Ayyuhannabi 'yu 'Warahmatullaahi Wabarka'tuhu Assalamu Alaina
Wa'alaa'Ibaadillaahis Saa'liheen, Ash'had'u'Allahaa ilaha illallahu Wa Ash'hadu
Anna Muhammadun Abd'uhu Wa Rasooluh
All compliments, all physical prayer and all
monetary worship are for Allah.
Peace be upon you, Oh Prophet, and Allah's
mercy and blessings.
Peace be on us and on all righteous slaves of
I bear witness that no one is worthy of
worship except Allah
And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave
and Messenger
Allaahumma Salleh Alaa Muhammadin
Wa'alaa' Aale Muhammadin Kama Sallaiyta Alaa Ibraheema Wa' Alaa Aale Ibraheema
InnakaHameedum Majeed
Allaahumma Baarak Alaa
Muhammadin Wa' Alaa Aale Muhammadin Kama Baarakta Alaa Ibraheem Wa' Alaa Aale Ibraheema
Innaka Hameedum Majeed
Oh Allah, send grace and honour on Muhammad
On the family and true followers of Muhammad
just as you sent Grace and Honour on Ibrahim
and on the family and true followers of
Surely, you are praiseworthy, the Great.
Oh Allah, send your blessing on Muhammad and
the true followers of Muhammad, just
as you sent blessings on Ibrahim
and his true followers
Surely, you are praiseworthy, the Great.
Dua after durood
Rabbij'alnee muqeemas salaati wa
-riy yatee rab-banaa watha qab-bal du'a,
rab-ba nagh-firlee wali waaliday-ya
wa lil mu-mineena yawma yaqumul hisaab.
Oh Lord, make me and my children keep up
Our Lord, accept our prayer,
Our Lord, forgive me and my parents
and all the Believers on the Day of Judgement.
Rabbana Aatina Fid Duniya Hasanataw
Wafil Aakhirati Hasanataw Wa Qina Adhaaban Naar
"Our Lord, grant us the good of this
world and that of the Hereafter and save us from the torture of hell.”
Another dua one can make after durood is:
Allahumma inni zalamtu nafsi zulman
kathiran wa la ya'ghfirudh dhunuuba illa anta fa'ghfir li ma'ghfiratan min
‘indika warhamni innaka antal ‘ghafurur rahim.
Translation : "O Allah, I have greatly wronged myself and You
alone can forgive sins, so grant me forgiveness from you and have mercy on me.
You are the forgiving and Merciful One.
Assalamu Alai'kumWarah'matullaah
“Peace and mercy of Allah be on you".
Dua Qunoot (to be recited in the last rakat of
the Witr Prayer)
Allah humma inna nast'eenuka
wa nastaghfiruka wa nu'minu bika wa nathawak-kalu 'alayka wa nuthne 'alayk-al
khayr. Wa nashkuruka wa laaa nakfuruka wa nakhla'u wa nathruku mayy yafjuruka.
Allah humma iyyaka na'budu wa laka nusal-lee wa nasjudu wa ilayka nas'aa wa
nahfidu wa narju rahmataka wa nakhsha 'adhaabaka inna 'adhaabaka bil kuf-faari
Oh Allah, we ask you for help and seek your
forgiveness, and we believe in You and have trust in You, and we praise you in
the best way and we thank You and we are not ungrateful to you, and we forsake
and turn away from the one who disobeys you. O Allah, we worship You only and
pray to You and prostrate ourselves before You, and we run towards You and
serve You, and we hope to receive your mercy, and we fear your punishment.
Surely, the disbelievers will receive your punishment.
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